Monetary Diversity

"Our current monetary system is cause for systemic crisis. We a need a diversity of monetary systems for more resilience" Bernard Lietaer

A place to discover, learn and act to change monetary systems for a fair and sustainable future.

Looking back on CoFi Liège

"The most inspiring event on CC I have attended in a long time" Ester Barinaga

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Getting into Monetary Diversity? 

3 steps: Discover, Learn and Act 

Exploring Diversities

A wealth of possibilities for social, environmental and economic monetary systems

Complementary currencies to foster greater resilience 

Over the past years, more than 400 hundred banking, financial and monetary crises have plagued society while the poorest took the blow hardest. The increased efficiency of the system has come at the expense of resilience in our ability to provide financial and monetary services for the people.

We need to adopt a permacultural approach to our monetary system by embracing a diversity of currencies. It is essential for building resilience and stability in our economic structures. Just as monocultures in agriculture increase vulnerability to pests and diseases, a single-currency financial system is more susceptible to systemic shocks, crises, and failures. Diversifying our monetary systems introduces redundancy, supports different types of economic activities, and enhances the adaptability of communities to external pressures and changes.

Image: Lietaer, B., Ulanowicz, R. E., Goerner, S. J., & McLaren, N. (2010). Is our monetary structure a systemic cause for financial instability ? Evidence and remedies from nature. Journal of Futures Studies, 14(3), 89‑108.

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A permacultural approach to monetary systems 

We need to adopt a permacultural approach to our monetary system by embracing a multiplicity of currencies that can foster localized economies, reducing dependency on global financial markets and mitigating the impact of global economic fluctuations. This approach aligns with permacultural principles of sustainability, interconnection, and resilience, offering a more robust and sustainable framework for economic transactions that can better withstand the challenges of the 21st century.

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Acting together

To find knowledge partners, academics, researchers, practitioners, community currency developers & jack-of-all-trades sharing their invaluable expertise! To help your community build working, resilient and practical complementary currency systems with the right solution and partners.

Start building your resilient community

Discover - learn and now you can finally deploy your own community currency or alternative system for the benefit of your community

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We couldn't do it alone

Many solutions to our many monetary problems.

Monetary Diversity leverages on an abundance of existing knowledge and technological solutions to empower stakeholders in setting up their monetary alternatives. This rich repository of resources and tools simplifies the process, making it more accessible for communities, NGOs, and others to tailor monetary systems that meet their specific needs for social, economic, and environmental well-being. MoDi helps you navigate the complexities of monetary system design and implementation with greater ease and effectiveness.

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 Who can benefit?

The growing concerns about the inability of the current financial system to provide for the monetary needs of the population, communities and regions have sparked rightful interests on the part of various stakeholders. Different models, set-ups and technological requirements can be useful.


From co-housing to autonomous communities. Anywhere people wish to share and create value. They often also need some ways to organise contributions and retributions form and to the communities. The millennial science revives wherever people envision a different way of trading together, with reciprocity and interest for the commons

Cities & Regions

Complementary currencies can be a powerful tool for local governments, offering a range of benefits that can enhance economic resilience, support local businesses, and foster community engagement.  Local governments can stimulate economic activity within their jurisdiction, encouraging the circulation of value within the local economy. This can help keep wealth within the community, support local businesses, and reduce leakage to multinational corporations.


 Private interest groups can canalyze the power of complementary monetary systems to serve various needs.

Complementary currencies have been used in times of crisis to sustain economic activities, to revitalise impoverished or disaster regions.

They can further promotes behavior change or regulate value within a community

The need for MoDi

There is an ever-growing need for alternatives that foster resilience, justice, democracy and the common        

Just money

Can we foster the power of the monetary system to tame the ever-increasing inequality that plagues our modern society?

We think so.  Money is an accounting tool, man-made to the core and able to serve our needs. But Whos'?

A fair monetary system is not just about the 2% inflation target but relates to the businesses it supports, the economic dynamism it induces and our collective ability to embed values in its circulation.

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Moneys for Democracy

Who issues our money? Who gets to decide on its rules, the way it may be used and what ultimate purpose it promotes?

Complementary currency systems are spearheading democratic changes thanks to the ability of collective decision-making in designing and issuing alternative payment systems or stores of value. 

Deciding on allocating resources in a community may be one of the most efficient ways to streamline collective values into concrete actions. This power cannot be hoarded by a few merchant bankers of large investment funds but can become a force for change. See next

MoDi for sustainable and Collaboratif Finance

With CoFi, MoDI's joint mission is to weave a network of collaboration among a wide array of monetary initiatives. We aim to illuminate the transformative potential of Collaborative Finance (CoFi), positioning it as a pivotal tool for revitalizing underperforming local currencies. By fostering interdisciplinary connections, we advocate for the development and adoption of alternative currency models designed to bolster societal resilience. Our platform is dedicated to exploring and integrating an extensive range of systems and technological solutions, paving the way for innovative monetary practices. Central to our vision is the promotion of peer-to-peer (P2P) networks, empowering communities by leveraging shared resources for the common good. Join us in reimagining the future of finance, where cooperation and innovation lead the way towards sustainable economic ecosystems.

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