The Monetary Diversity initiative 

MoDi's values and missions

MoDi is an initiative aimed at promoting complementary and alternative monetary systems and experimentations for social, environmental and economic purposes to better fulfil monetary functions for society. We advocate a more comprehensive and open legal framework for the democratization and the open development of complementary payment media towards policymakers and the general public.

MoDi builds bridges for communities, civil society organizations, local business groups and public and regional authorities willing to discover the power of existing experimentations to learn how to assess, design, develop and run alternative systems with monetary experts, and technology providers.

We are convinced of the need for multiple currencies for various purposes including sustainable, regenerative and collaborative finance. MoDi rethinks monetary systems to support the development of regenerative, reciprocal, autonomous, resilient, democratic complementary currencies as an alternative to traditional finance.

Redefining Wealth

Bridging Dreams and Reality in Monetary Reform  

Monetary diversity is emerging as a singular initiative of a broader movement aimed at rethinking and reshaping traditional economic and monetary assumptions. This trend reflects a growing recognition of the limitations and challenges posed by conventional financial systems, which often prioritize short-term gains and centralized control, neglecting the diverse needs and values of different communities, regions and ecosystems.

By diversifying monetary systems, including the introduction of local currencies, digital currencies, and complementary currencies, this movement seeks to foster more resilient, equitable, and sustainable economic practices that support local economies, reduce environmental impact, and encourage practices that are more in harmony with local values and sustainability goals.

The push towards monetary diversity is intertwined with a larger shift towards reimagining economic principles to address contemporary challenges such as inequality, climate change, and social disenfranchisement. It's part of a paradigm shift that questions the sustainability of growth-centric models and explores more holistic approaches that incorporate social and environmental well-being into the heart of economic thinking. This includes efforts to redefine success beyond GDP, towards measures that reflect genuine well-being and the real value of things. By experimenting with diverse monetary tools and frameworks, the global movement is for a recapture of money and its democratisation, paving the way for a stable and fair economic future.

Like many people and organisations before... We provide our humble contribution to the promotion, co-learning, and contribute to the development and acceptance of alternative means of performing monetary functions.

An initiative to spark others

 Faced with a fragmented landscape of monetary reformists, MoDi contributes to joined projects carried with NGO's and public authorities with the same understanding of the dire need to invert the pumps of profits and start building regenerative economies.

A little bit about me 

Nicolas Franka is my name. Economist, Social entrepreneur, Teacher, Complementary currency developer, and writer of articles about economics.

Faced with an adverse childhood and upbringing, I always discarded the traditional path in life. Though making one's own way is challenging, it is much less so with proper friends and partners.

Today, I am blessed enough that I can dedicate myself to my passion: understanding, teaching and creating monetary alternatives. 

For more than 10 years I have been involved in the topic of money and the issue posed by private bank money creation and its related debt-based system.

I worked for various alternative economics and finance NGO’s sharpening my understanding of the overall economic issues and the power struggle at hand.

Since 2017 I have been deeply involved with developing alternative payment systems for several complementary currencies, especially in Liège with Le Val’heureux

Since 2019, I have taught monetary diversity at ULiège and found there the inspiration for this homonymous initiative and wrote several articles on more general topics related to central banking operations.

In the meantime, I was asked to advise regional and complementary systems in several countries (Belgium, France, Switzerland, Sweden and Africa) and help in reports to the Walloon government in Belgium and the European Parliament with Veblen Institute.

Formalizing this experience takes the form of the Monetary Diversity initiative made possible by the support of partners willing to work together. It was driven by the apparent need to build bridges among monetary reformers who were quite often unaware of each other.

I firmly believe in the need to reform our monetary system and supplement it with practical complementary currencies by applying a renewed monetary theory.

In defence of the commons. Whether developing a forest-management cooperative for the common, setting up an eco-village in the Ardennes or building communities around complementary currency, I strive to build new commoning and sociocratic practices and find legal ways to ensure the resilient and proper management of commonly owned resources